(from Victoria Daily Times, July 5, 1941) by Ceres
Hay curing by the wooden tripod method is becoming more popular with British Columbia farmers and nowhere on Vancouver Island has the scheme been better demonstrated than on the fine Shawnigan Lake farm of Harold Gaunt.
For the last three years, Cecil Tice, British Columbia field crops commissioner, has been advocating use of wooden tripods for hay curing. He has given to farmers' organizations full information regarding the construction of these tripods, which are made from materials available on any farm. The tripod is a simple device, consisting of three uprights and six crossbars.
On their extensive tour of the farming districts of the interior, Hon. K. C. MacDonald, Minister of Agriculture, and J.B. Munro, deputy minister, saw the tripod· method used with much success on several large farms, particularly in areas where moisture conditions were such bay could not be otherwise left in the open.
Mr. Gaunt is using a variation of the tripod method. He has set up a series of tripods connected by heavy rails, upon which the hay is piled rail by rail, until a fairly sizable stack has been built up. The circulation of air that is possible by the use of this hurdle method permits of rapid drying and curing of the hay.
The term "hurdle method" of hay drying appears particularly appropriate because the equipment is in the nature of hurdles, and it is easily set up for use or removed when it is no longer required.
Mr. Gaunt is now operating the old Sylvester farm, a few miles from the beautiful shores of Shawnigan Lake. Born on a big English farm, Mr. Gaunt lived for many years in Chicago, coming to Vancouver Island some years ago. He has a fine herd of Jerseys, which supply milk to the Queen Alexandra Solarium for crippled children at Mill Bay and the big schools at Shawnigan Lake.
He is absolutely sold on the tripod method of hay curing and wishes all farmers would try it.
Harold George Gaunt owned District Lot 49, Malahat.